Art from the Heart

Art from the Heart

Twenty years ago, I was sitting with a mom who was facing the unimaginable.  Her seven-year-old son, David, had just been diagnosed with cancer. I listened as David’s terrified and devastated mom described what the doctors had told her about the two years of treatment that her little boy was about to endure. Tears welled up in her eyes when she asked, “How am I going to explain all of this to him? How do you describe what cancer is to a little boy?

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Camp, The Greatest Gift

Camp, The Greatest Gift

Ember Fry hadn't even noticed she was holding her breath. As her family of four turned onto The Painted Turtle campground, Ember and her husband, Andy, still hadn’t figured out how to convince their nine year old daughter to go to Camp. “Kalina was in tears the whole drive up the mountain,” recounted Ember. “It was going to be her first time away sleeping in a room without either her brother, Dad and me, or usual team of nurses. I wasn’t worried about her brother, Jadon, having a good time because he had heard all about Camp from friends and was excited, but I half expected to receive a call from Kalina asking to come home.”

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Art to Heal, Art to Inspire, Art to Empower

Art to Heal, Art to Inspire, Art to Empower

ArtWorks, The Naomi Cohain Foundation, founded in 2002, is dedicated to improving the healthcare experience of pediatric patients through the arts. ArtWorks provides children and young adults from infants to age 24 facing chronic and life-limiting illnesses , and their families, access to creative and performing arts programs that serve as a vehicle for healing, communication, self-expression and person development.

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March 10th Workshop at the Peninsula Museum of Art

March 10th Workshop at the Peninsula Museum of Art

For the month of March, we at Kids & Art are thrilled to bring kids and families to the Peninsula Museum of Art in Burlingame, California. Participants will be painting the day away with our Kids & Art artists. There will be plenty of paints, brushes and canvases for everyone. The only missing ingredient is your creativity!

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