Parent Support Group Speaker - Adrianne Angle

Parent Support Group Speaker - Adrianne Angle

Adrianne discovered the benefits of yoga many years ago while in pursuit of her own personal healing. When her niece was diagnosed with ALL at age 5, Adrianne practiced yoga and meditation with her, and gained a profound appreciation for the body and nervous system's innate ability to heal. Her collegiate studies in Kinesiology and current work with Restorative Muscle Therapy in combination with her experiences of recovery have led Adrianne to become a lifelong student of the mind-body connection. Having completed her 200-hour yoga teacher certification and Level 2 Reiki training, she now helps others on their journey to better health. She can be reached at [email protected].

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Parent Support Group Speaker - Gabi Medrano

Our May Parent Support Group speaker was Gabi Medrano, whose daughter was diagnosed with B-cell ALL in 2014 at the age of 3. Her daughter is now an active, healthy 8-year-old who loves sports and ballet! Prior to her daughter’s illness, Gabi had never worried about what her family ate. She had a 3- year-old and a 4-year-old, so at the time, making a change wasn’t easy. But they did it, and making the switch to a healthier diet had a tremendous impact on Giselle’s ability to tolerate the chemotherapy and her overall health. Gabi shared a wealth of information with us.

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Parent Support Group Speaker - Ayelet Hirshfeld

This April, the Kids & Art Parent Support Group welcomed Dr. Ayelet Hirschfeld, PhD, to speak about stress assessment and management. Dr. Hirschfeld is an expert in trauma and secondary stress, and specializes in infants, children, adolescents and young adults. Dr. Hirschfeld gave us suggestions for how to handle PTSD and post-traumatic stress symptoms. She reminded us that as parents of cancer survivors, we are worrying about something that has already happened. Reminding ourselves of this fact will help us gain perspective, and may ease symptoms.

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