Camp, The Greatest Gift

Camp, The Greatest Gift

Ember Fry hadn't even noticed she was holding her breath. As her family of four turned onto The Painted Turtle campground, Ember and her husband, Andy, still hadn’t figured out how to convince their nine year old daughter to go to Camp. “Kalina was in tears the whole drive up the mountain,” recounted Ember. “It was going to be her first time away sleeping in a room without either her brother, Dad and me, or usual team of nurses. I wasn’t worried about her brother, Jadon, having a good time because he had heard all about Camp from friends and was excited, but I half expected to receive a call from Kalina asking to come home.”

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Oct. 14th - Let's Get Crafty at CraftBox

Oct. 14th - Let's Get Crafty at CraftBox

Kids & Art participants are getting ready for another fun-filled destination workshop with the wonderful team at CraftBox in Los Gatos. Craftbox has a full menu of projects to choose from, ranging from jewelry making, woodworking, creating with fabrics to paper crafts. Participants will surely find something to spark their creativity.

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How To Help Children Deal With Grief And Loss

How To Help Children Deal With Grief And Loss

Nowadays, there’s plenty of literature that addresses parental grief as every day, families lose a child to an accident or a disease like pediatric cancer. However, less is said about the grief experienced by a sibling, and children can be overwhelmed at losing a beloved brother or sister. According to a study, one in five children will experience the death of someone close to them by age 18. 

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The Community of Kids & Art

The Community of Kids & Art

I happen to be the pastor of Burlingame United Methodist, where the Kids & Art office is now located.  I also happen to be a practicing artist and writer who has often worked with kids making art.  It also happens that Purvi and I are both friends with a local art gallery owner, who first brought us together.  When I met Purvi, heard about the loss of her son and how she founded Kids & Art to honor her son and find a positive expression for her loss, I knew that she had a special calling and work not  undertaken by others, so I did all I could to get her a good space in our building. That happened, and she and I have become colleagues and friends. 

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How I Got Schooled by Kanishka

How I Got Schooled by Kanishka

I pulled my car into the Pixar campus at Emeryville CA, passed the security booth and parked. What a beautiful place! What excitement! I took a deep breath; this was going to be a great experience. I was here at the Pixar campus, volunteering with Kids & Art to make art with kids who are affected by cancer. Little did I know that this experience would turn out to be even greater and more significant than I anticipated!

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A Gift Worth Waiting For

A Gift Worth Waiting For

Several years ago when Purvi and I met at Family House across the street from the old UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital, I truly had no idea of the wonderful gift that would come from that one, brief encounter. I was a newer art therapist to the hospital still learning the ropes of running a program. I did not realize at the time that the newfound relationship with Kids & Art would eventually lead to a wonderful partnership supporting our out-patient clinics at Mission Bay. 

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Public Glass Workshop Oct 8

Public Glass Workshop Oct 8

Since 1997, Public Glass has been San Francisco's only public access glass studio and school. As a 501(c)3 arts organization located in the Bayview/Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco, our outreach includes a full curriculum of glass courses taught by local and nationally recognized artists, as well as programming for under served youth and adults, corporate group experiences, events, and exhibitions.

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A day of music, 1000 hours of empowerment

Tim Holborn is a friend of Kids & Art, whose Monday to Friday gig is teaching music at Abbott Middle School in San Mateo. He knows a thing or two about creative collaboration. Tim has planned an impromptu world beat drum circle. This music day circle marks the successful culmination of the Cancer Sucks Art Heals funding campaign. Whether we were accompanying Tim or the other way around, the experience is memorable. It is a day of thanks, just like every day is for Kids & Art. The campaign goes out with a song.

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