Celebrating the Life of Isabella Lila Hagenlocher

Kids & Art Foundation is deeply saddened by the loss of 3-year-old Isabella, a vibrant and creative spirit. We are extremely grateful to her family and community for creating a legacy gift to K&A in celebration of her life and her love for art. The "Izzy Effect" will continue to spread as more families will be able to engage in the healing power of art through K&A workshops.

Here are some thoughts from her family about Isabella and the impact she had on others:

Isabella Lila Hagenlocher, born on November 18, 2015 and left us on December 9, 2018. We think about all the coulda, woulda, shoulda, but Isabella never had that thought. Isabella gave it all to you all the time. You knew her thoughts and her not so subtle whispers. Isabella made you happy. Isabella was so vibrant, she brought life to life. In her short time with us, she left a big footprint on this entire family! We already notice Riley's spirit, but now you can't help but notice the extraordinary resemblance to her 7-month old sister. Isabella's spirit lives with Riley. We are going to begin calling this the Izzy Effect because it is not just her sister, but everyone who knew Izzy that will hug a little tighter and love a little more. Isabella's parents, Jillian and Patrick, supported her love for art, her creative spirit and her wild imagination with art kits, trips to the art shop and endless games.

Jan 26, Oliver Klink Workshop

Jan 26, Oliver Klink Workshop

To start off our 2019 season, we have an incredible workshop planned with award winning photographer, Oliver Klink. For this workshop, Oliver Klink will first lead the group in a tour and discussion of his current exhibit. Then, participants will have the opportunity to try out the roles of model, creative director and photographer as they capture images of their own, with Oliver's guidance.

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Rinat Goren - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Rinat Goren - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Our 10 Artists for our 10th Anniversary celebration continues with Rinat Goren! Over 10 months our newsletter will feature 10 of our 'amaeyzing' Kids & Art artists who have been with us on our journey from 2008 to now. We will compile all 10 artists' stories into a small book ready for our 10th Anniversary gala in San Francisco on December 1, 2018. Each of the 10 artists will also be given one word on which they will create a piece of art. These 10 pieces will be displayed together at our gala and will encompass the mission of Kids & Art.

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Celina Paul - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Celina Paul - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Our 10 Artists for our 10th Anniversary celebration continues with Celina Paul! Over 10 months our newsletter will feature 10 of our 'amaeyzing' Kids & Art artists who have been with us on our journey from 2008 to now. We will compile all 10 artists' stories into a small book ready for our 10th Anniversary gala in San Francisco on December 1, 2018. Each of the 10 artists will also be given one word on which they will create a piece of art. These 10 pieces will be displayed together at our gala and will encompass the mission of Kids & Art.

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Matthew Robertson - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Matthew Robertson - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Our 10 Artists for our 10th Anniversary celebration continues with Matthew Robertson! Over 10 months our newsletter will feature 10 of our 'amaeyzing' Kids & Art artists who have been with us on our journey from 2008 to now. We will compile all 10 artists' stories into a small book ready for our 10th Anniversary gala in San Francisco on December 1, 2018. Each of the 10 artists will also be given one word on which they will create a piece of art. These 10 pieces will be displayed together at our gala and will encompass the mission of Kids & Art.

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Oct. 14th - Let's Get Crafty at CraftBox

Oct. 14th - Let's Get Crafty at CraftBox

Kids & Art participants are getting ready for another fun-filled destination workshop with the wonderful team at CraftBox in Los Gatos. Craftbox has a full menu of projects to choose from, ranging from jewelry making, woodworking, creating with fabrics to paper crafts. Participants will surely find something to spark their creativity.

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Crystal Vielula - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Our 10 Artists for our 10th Anniversary celebration continues with Crystal Herman! Over 10 months our newsletter will feature 10 of our 'amaeyzing' Kids & Art artists who have been with us on our journey from 2008 to now. We will compile all 10 artists' stories into a small book ready for our 10th Anniversary gala in San Francisco on December 1, 2018. Each of the 10 artists will also be given one word on which they will create a piece of art. These 10 pieces will be displayed together at our gala and will encompass the mission of Kids & Art.

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Neta Levi - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Neta Levi - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Our 10 Artists for our 10th Anniversary celebration continues with Neta Levi! Over 10 months our newsletter will feature 10 of our 'amaeyzing' Kids & Art artists who have been with us on our journey from 2008 to now. We will compile all 10 artists' stories into a small book ready for our 10th Anniversary gala in San Francisco on December 1, 2018. Each of the 10 artists will also be given one word on which they will create a piece of art. These 10 pieces will be displayed together at our gala and will encompass the mission of Kids & Art.

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Ellen Brook - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Ellen Brook - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Our 10 Artists for our 10th Anniversary celebration continues with Ellen Brook! Over 10 months our newsletter will feature 10 of our 'amaeyzing' Kids & Art artists who have been with us on our journey from 2008 to now. We will compile all 10 artists' stories into a small book ready for our 10th Anniversary gala in San Francisco on December 1, 2018. Each of the 10 artists will also be given one word on which they will create a piece of art. These 10 pieces will be displayed together at our gala and will encompass the mission of Kids & Art.

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Nathalie Strand - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Nathalie Strand - 10 Artists 10th Anniversary

Our 10 Artists for our 10th Anniversary celebration continues with Nathalie Strand! Over 10 months our newsletter will feature 10 of our 'amaeyzing' Kids & Art artists who have been with us on our journey from 2008 to now. We will compile all 10 artists' stories into a small book ready for our 10th Anniversary gala in San Francisco on December 1, 2018. Each of the 10 artists will also be given one word on which they will create a piece of art. These 10 pieces will be displayed together at our gala and will encompass the mission of Kids & Art.

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Creative Healing

Creative Healing

The process of being diagnosed and treated for cancer can leave a patient and their families in a whirlwind of emotions. I know this to be true because I experienced this first hand in 2016 when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at age 24. There was no history of cancer in my family so this was all new to us. After being diagnosed, I knew this would change my life forever. However, I promised myself to try and keep a positive outlook.

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