Celebrating the Life of Isabella Lila Hagenlocher

Kids & Art Foundation is deeply saddened by the loss of 3-year-old Isabella, a vibrant and creative spirit. We are extremely grateful to her family and community for creating a legacy gift to K&A in celebration of her life and her love for art. The "Izzy Effect" will continue to spread as more families will be able to engage in the healing power of art through K&A workshops.

Here are some thoughts from her family about Isabella and the impact she had on others:

Isabella Lila Hagenlocher, born on November 18, 2015 and left us on December 9, 2018. We think about all the coulda, woulda, shoulda, but Isabella never had that thought. Isabella gave it all to you all the time. You knew her thoughts and her not so subtle whispers. Isabella made you happy. Isabella was so vibrant, she brought life to life. In her short time with us, she left a big footprint on this entire family! We already notice Riley's spirit, but now you can't help but notice the extraordinary resemblance to her 7-month old sister. Isabella's spirit lives with Riley. We are going to begin calling this the Izzy Effect because it is not just her sister, but everyone who knew Izzy that will hug a little tighter and love a little more. Isabella's parents, Jillian and Patrick, supported her love for art, her creative spirit and her wild imagination with art kits, trips to the art shop and endless games.