Kids and Art Foundation – Going Strong

In the last five years, Kids & Art has come a long way. Its original mission was to provide a place for kids with cancer to meet and enjoy creating art without the shadow of their illness in the room for a few hours. Today the participants in the workshops include the care circles of the kids—siblings, family, friends—as well as children whose parents have been affected by the disease.

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Last workshop of 2013-14 Art Season

At Kids & Art's last workshop for the 2013-14 season, 12 freshman from LWHS greeted us with an open heart. They helped us set-up and get comfortable in their beautiful art room. Ms Zoya Voskoboynikov, their Advisor was an amazing host to us. She brought in a lot of snacks and had asked for the art teacher Mr. Osipoff to come in and open the art room for us on a Sunday.


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