I am reminded in times of crisis we find ourselves

I am reminded in times of crisis we find ourselves. This is certainly true with me. In March, in the Pandemic, I decided to challenge myself and build my artist website. The existing website I had for many years required updates. My webmaster disappeared leaving me a choice, find another webmaster or create a new website myself. Now, for someone prior to creating a website, I was technically challenged out of fear for making mistakes and told myself, creating a website could be a disaster. I took a leap of faith and began.

In creating my website I found strength and patience I didn’t know I had. At times working with the Squarespace company tried both our patience because everything was new to me, and I required a lot of handholding.

I continued with a leap of faith that I could be vulnerable and strong at the same time by launching a project called “The Heart Series.” Creating one minute videos of each painting I’ve created over 20 years, some never before shown to the public, and some remaining in my private collection. Each day I’ve posted on social media - YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Tumbir one video painting. Today, I’m over 90. Also, I took another big leap by sharing my story in a video that was emotional for me. So, this silver lining in the middle of this Pandemic I have found the gift of vulnerability. For it is in my vulnerability I grow.

The first painting I created (in April I think) was “Blooming Trumpets.” Paint poured through me with every color I had before having to restock my supplies. I was compelled to create Asian characters that later upon completion, appeared to be flowers, or rather “Blooming Trumpets.”

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Blooming Trumpets

“Phoenix Rising” is a painting created in 2008 when my life like most others was in turmoil because of the recession. When I finished painting, all of a sudden I saw the “Phoenix Rising,” understanding that I was the Phoenix rising from the ashes creating a new me.

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Phoenix Rising

Breathing Green” speaks to me especially now in the middle of this Pandemic. I used my hands saturated in “life green” painting by candle light after coming home from an intense personal three day workshop in the Santa Cruz mountains. This “life force” green gives us hope in renewing our bodies connecting more with spirit.


Breathing Green

“Imagine” is another 2008 painting when I was like others in the middle of the recession and doing my best to image what steps I would take next. Because I never know what is going to appear on my canvas, when the painting named itself “Imagine,” it became my touchstone to keep creating no matter what the adversity is.

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“Come Together Now” is a type of painting I’ve never done before. I used petite letters from a kids project several years ago creating words, like Happy, or WFI. Whenever, I complete the work, I sit with it and allow what it would like to be called to come to me. This time, loud and clear “Come Together Now” shouted out. And, with the Pandemic, I realized “Come Together Now” is our theme.

Come Together Now

“Seafoam” reflects the every changing ocean that I love. The vibrant blues play against one another with a laughter of a soft greenish blue swirling into the mix. This painting gives one reflection and a soft place to land. In these trouble times with the Pandemic we could all use a soft safe place to land.



When a collector purchases my art, the happiness in my soul multiples.

“I saw “Blueing“ and knew my sea loving daughter would love the vibrant brightness emanating from the canvas. It felt like one was in a wave, not just looking at it. The light dances, the painting is never the same.” - Liesl Moldow

“I purchased Tiffany Birch’s original “Eternity” acrylic painting on canvas because it evoked pure joy within me! - Anne Thull - Anne Thull Fine Art Designs

“I was attracted to “Playtime” because of the vibrant colors. I feel bringing color into one’s life is important and Tiffany’s art surely does this with a passion. This painting has introduced another dynamic of art to my children, and I am grateful for this. Color is JOY, Tiffany is JOY.” - Ken Arends

“Bringing one of Tiffany’s creations into your environment will positively affect the vibrational energy of your home or office.” -Linda Lenore, Feng Shui Master -Green Chi Designs

“Tiffany’s artworks is a passionate display of intense feelings and color, movement and delight. No two paintings of hers are alike.” -Sherry Joyce - Author - The Dordogne Deception, Dangerous Duplicity & Dangerous Justice

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#art #paintings #acrylic paintings #interior design #home #office #feng shui #abstract art #abstract art paintings

Tiffany Birch, Artist: I am an Abstract Expressionist. When I started to explore art through the Art League in Olde Town Alexandria, Virginia, I found myself driven to paint and left after four lessons to paint. I painted 60 paintings in 45 days, and shortly thereafter, received representation through Marin Price Gallery In Chevy Chase, Maryland.

In 2002 I relocated to Northern California. Next, came a new experience of being invited to teach kids with life threatening illnesses to paint, in my style of imaginative painting….”I want you to paint what an ice cream cone tastes like.” Read more on my website