Art Party with Google

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Kids & Art was so happy to give a warm welcome to a team from Google at our virtual Amaeyzing Team workshop

A team at Google reached out to us to host a workshop that would help bring remote team members together and feel supported through art. We felt that our portrait collage project was the best way to share our differences and similarities as human beings.

The collage project for the Amaeyzing Team workshop was inspired by portraits created at one of our Kids & Art online art workshops. The young artists/patients used cut and torn paper to create colorful portraits. The young artists had fun using bold, exaggerated shapes with the paper.

This background information gave the team from Google an opportunity to learn about our mission and the power of healing through art. The team from Google created these stunning collages that are sure to make you smile. The participants may have initially felt daunted by a blank canvas and a pile of colored and textured paper. However, with guidance and encouragement, they explored this project with a fresh approach and expressed themselves freely.

Each team member created unique collage portraits bringing their own style and imagination to the canvas. It developed into a wonderfully calm workshop where everyone enjoyed the creative process alongside their team members. Here are couple quotes that were shared with us -

"I really enjoyed the workshop and it was a lot of fun...immersing myself in creating visual art was a truly unique experience. Happy to have participated in this team activity and helped a child with cancer!"

"Making this collage made me think in a different way - going from vague ideas to putting something down on the canvas and seeing what comes out without a specific plan. In a way it was spontaneous, creative, and freeing!"

Here are some amaeyzing pieces that came out of the mindful art led team building project:

Would you like to have your team create with one of our artists?

People often choose to display art in their home for aesthetic reasons, but recent studies have shown that engaging with the visual arts can actually improve stress, memory, and empathy, whether by viewing art or creating it.

Individual Stress reduction Creating art releases dopamine, the neurotransmitter pathway that boosts drive, focus, and concentration.

Relaxed/ casual communication/ conversation The act of creating a work of art draws peoples attention to details and the environment, mimicking the experience of meditation.

Sharing techniques and problem solving Participating in complex activities creates new connections between brain cells, leading to an increase in psychological resilience.

Decrease team tension Art helps people forget about their problems and focus on positive emotions, while also lowering the stress hormone cortisol. Have fun, laugh, and share.