An Art Extravaganza at Googleplex

Kids & Art’s latest Destination Workshop with Google had participants and volunteers arriving at Googleplex, the corporate headquarters of Google Inc. for a day of artistic enjoyment. The workshop, which took place on May 7th, 2017 from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM, was the latest of what has become an annual event for Kids & Art.

Participants had many activity options, consisting of augmented reality, virtual reality, artist stations, and the Google Doodle. The augmented reality and virtual reality stations would not have been possible without the help of Google! Both augmented and virtual reality essentially change the way we experience reality with the help of unique, goggle-like headsets designed to do just that. Virtual reality headsets are also available in the Kids & Art online store.

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There were many artist stations at the workshop, allowing participants to try a variety of things in the two and a half hour time span. The artist stations included, but were not limited to, jewelry making, print making, and paper dyeing. Many artists arrived early to help set up, and stayed late to clean up, all the while showing great enthusiasm, and their infectious attitudes made the experience even better for the workshop’s participants. People were able to go to the stations that they were interested in, dive into an entirely new realm of art, and take their complete works home with them.

The Google Doodle station was stocked with plain white paper with faint outlines of the Google logo, inspiration books containing plenty of Google Doodles from 2015, and all kinds of pencils, erasers, papers, markers, color pencils, etc. Children and adults, participants and volunteers alike worked at this station. Many hung up their finished works for all to admire, while others took their pieces home with them. Kids & Art hopes to enter the works that were hung up into the next Doodle 4 Google contest, in which kids from all over the world design a Google logo pertaining to a given theme.

As families left the workshop, returning participants who had been at the last destination workshop, the Crucible workshop, were able to pick up their ceramic pieces from the previous event. Families had a fantastic time, smiling and laughing as they walked out of Googleplex.

Kids & Art would like to thank Google and all of the Google volunteers who contributed immensely to this workshop. It would not have been possible without all of them!