5k, 10k, 0r 108 Sun Salutations? What's your summer fitness goal?

Where: Baylands Park in Sunnyvale , CA

When: June 22, 2014, 6:30am to 1:30pm

Sevathon is a walkathon/yogathon, that will take place in Baylands Park, Sunnyvale (6:30 - 1:00 p.m.) that will bring together walkers, runners, yogis and yoginis, nonprofits, sponsors, family members and friends, for a cause.

Seva translates to a "service given without consideration of anything in return... [and] is regarded as the nature of goodness."

You can Participate and/or Donate in the Sevathon link below. Please consider a 5k, 10k, or 27, 54, and 108 Sun Salutations.

The registration to Sevathon is on the right side of the page under Participating Event, click link or button.


If people cannot participate they can still donate to the non profit here- http://konnectme.org/kidsandart/?ref=2972695

Kids & Art is very excited to have been invited to be part of Sevathon. Please do forward this link to local friends and family.



Yoga Inside Out is hosting our first 108 Sun Salutation Challenge:  Mama Yoga Mala.   Traditionally this ritual is done at the turning of each season or done for celebration or coming together to support a cause or purpose.   We are doing 108 Sun Salutations to honor all the mothers in our lives and the mother of mothers, Mother Earth.  The number 108 has many different significant meanings in many cultures.  

Here are 108 reasons why you should do this practice-

108.  You would’ve breathed at least 1,080 breaths by the time you’re done (doing only Sun As).  Imagine the high.

107.  108 sun salutations = at least 108 push ups!  Can you say toned triceps?

106.  It stretches your hamstrings.

105.  It lengthens your spine.

104.  It flexes your spine.

103.  It focuses your mind.

102.  It increases your breathing capacity.

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