Amaeyzing Teams - Art Party with Genentech


Circular Shapes and Colorful Patterns

We were thrilled to welcome a wonderful team from Genentech to an art session led by our artist Caroline Robins. They chose this art experience for their end of year celebration and to support our nonprofit organization. Their participation will provide funds for children with cancer to enjoy the same creative opportunity.

Everyone dived straight into painting circular shapes and colorful patterns on their canvas with art materials supplied by Kids & Art. Our aim was for everyone to feel inspired and grateful for time together while also learning about our mission.

The ten participants created a relaxing atmosphere and a sense of calm descended on the team. They were happy to be together and to have an opportunity to escape into their individual creative process. As one participant pointed out, they could put the rest of the world on mute.

To end, everyone shared their beautiful paintings on screen and ‘one word’ or ‘phrase’ to describe their experience; Soothing, calming, relaxing, meditative and fulfilling. It was awesome to hear how much the group enjoyed their painting experience. They also left with an understanding of how beneficial our art workshops can be for our pediatric cancer families.

Would you like to have your team create with one of our artists? Do fill this form and we will get back to your to start planning a fun morale boosting team building event.


People often choose to display art in their home for aesthetic reasons, but recent studies have shown that engaging with the visual arts can actually improve stress, memory, and empathy, whether by viewing art or creating it.

Individual Stress reduction Creating art releases dopamine, the neurotransmitter pathway that boosts drive, focus, and concentration.

Relaxed/ casual communication/ conversation The act of creating a work of art draws peoples attention to details and the environment, mimicking the experience of meditation.

Sharing techniques and problem solving Participating in complex activities creates new connections between brain cells, leading to an increase in psychological resilience.

Decrease team tension Art helps people forget about their problems and focus on positive emotions, while also lowering the stress hormone cortisol. Have fun, laugh, and share.