Rinat Goren: An Artist's Perspective on Kids & Art

In her own words, Bay Area artist Rinat Goren shares her perspective on art making and how she became involved in Kids&Art. She recently donated a piece that will be auctioned at Le Cirque de la Vie Auction Soirée.

My father passed away very young. He was overpowered by a very acute and aggressive leukemia. As hard as it was to lose him, it breaks my heart more to see children who have to fight cancer. I get inspired by those kids and by their parents and families whose lives are completely changed by this terrible condition and by their courage and strength. So, when Purvi approached me, it was just right to support Kids & Art. In fact, when I come to Kids & Art workshops, it fills me with strength and inspiration. These kids and their parents are so inspiring to me that I feel I am getting much more out of this activity than them.

My love of art started early as a young girl. I always created something: drawings, embroidery, photography and more but only later in life I dared answering the call of art, devoted my time to art and called myself an artist. I love collage making as it is a perfect venue to express abstract values such as love of people, support of individualism and freedom. I get inspired by people who are fighters, who overcome challenges, who invent or create something new, people who are mindful and making choices.

About'Hanging On'

This piece is about the courage, patience and perseverance needed to hang on when we are on a 'thin wire' in life. It is so easy to give up and fall, it is easy to get distracted and give in to the chaos around us. But we hang on. We fight, we persevere, we try hard and we try harder.

Rinat was born and raised in Israel. With a degree in Physical Therapy & Interior Design. In early 2000, Rinat decided to formally dedicate her time to art. From the beginning, she was drawn to collage making -- a wonderful way to convey abstract messages and values. After a few years using acrylics and mixed media on canvas, Rinat discovered encaustic painting, a technique that uses heated beeswax to which colored pigments are added. Rinat has been a full-time encaustic artist since 2008.

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