Bay Area Artist, Charu Clark Donates painting to Kids & Art Auction

Artists Making a Difference

Kids & Art would like to thank Charu Clark, a Bay Area digital and fine artist and Kids & Art volunteer. Clark recently donated a still life from her portfolio of classical realist paintings. The still life will be auctioned at Le Cirque de la Vie Soirée to benefit the Kids & Art Foundation. The proceeds go towards covering the costs of providing art workshops for free to families battling pediatric cancer.

Clark has built an impressive career filmography working primarily as a lighting artist for Pixar and serving in other capacities on other Pixar titles. The artist says that although her "day job" involves working with a mouse more than traditional art tools, of all technical fields related to computer graphics, lighting is the most like painting.

"Creating art is one of the biggest joys of my life. It means a lot to share this joy with kids whose lives have been touched by cancer," commented the artist.

This donation is one among many acts of kindness and generosity that are integral to supporting the success of a grassroots non-profit like ours. Charu figures among a bevy of artists who volunteer for workshops and programs for Kids & Art throughout the Bay Area, too, year after year in an organization that is 98 percent volunteer run.

These artists bring skills and knowhow—both in artistic technique and heart-centered compassion—to Kids & Art families throughout the workshop season. Our teams of artists show up for sessions in what Kids & Art calls its destination workshops hosted by local companies, such as Google and Genentech, and area museums. The San Jose Museum of Art, NUMU and the Peninsula Museum of Art hosted our families this past season, as well.

Other teams of artists participate in planned hands-on art making activities in the Oncology and Hematology waiting rooms at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto. This year, a schedule of regular art making sessions begins at Packard at El Camino in Mountain View. The Kids & Art program at Family House will also continue this year. Family House is a 37-bed facility that offers lodging to families in treatment at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital.

Clark's donation, like Persimmons, piectured above, is also a still life. Many artists will be donating works centered on our auction theme of the circus. Persimmons is representative of Charu's skill as a classical realist. Though the artist's portfolio is quite versatile--see Lakshmi below.)

We look forward to auction time when bidding starts and we see her donated work. Seeing the actual pieces sent to us by our artists will be under wraps until then. To our first 40 ticket holders, we have also been offering a series of limited edition prints from a handful of our artists, including Charu. If you are one of the early ticket buyers, we'll find you at check-in and let you know whose print you get to take home. The limited edition series reflects the diversity of talented artists that make up our team.

Help spread the love reflected in the artists' generous donations by sharing news about Kids & Art and artists like Charu Clark, who make a difference.

Le Cirque is Open!

Tickets: A fun night is in store September 19, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. at the Palo Alto Art Center located at 1313 Newell Road, Palo Alto. Bid on art made by children who attend our workshops, art donated by artists like Charu Clark, as well as tours, and spa and sports packages. There are also items donated by local Bay Area businesses.