World 143 and Shaun T partner to raise funds for Kids & Art

We're letting everyone know about a unique opportunity that has come our way to partner with World 143 to raise funds for Kids & Art. Fitness celebrity Shaun T will serve as fundraising ambassador in the debut launch of World 143's new lineup of online fundraising campaigns. Beginning April 22, when you donate online at World 143, you have a chance to win a workout with Shaun T.

The lucky winner gets: a 30-minute workout with Shaun T, a two-night stay in luxury accommodations in Phoenix Arizona and six months of private coaching. Sound good? Read the guidelines and donate on the World 143 contest page. The contest closes June 29.

To participate go to Work out with Shaun hosted on World 143. Share news about the contest with your friends. Even if you don’t personally win, you’ll feel good about helping others. That’s a win, too.

We are certainly excited to see who will get to claim this prize and hope that it goes to a big Shaun T fan. Another prize for us is making our Kids & Art mission known to more potential donors, partners and friends through the World 143 campaign. It's good exposure.

World 143 aims to connect celebrities with charities and to offer once-in-a-lifetime experiences to serve as incentives to donors. It is in the business of making dreams come true—for those who are served by its charities as well as for its donor contestants. Founded by Brendan Murphy, acclaimed artist, and friend of Kids & Art, World 143 brings donors, causes and celebrities together in an innovative online contest platform that pledges 80 percent of contest proceeds to the organizations and causes that it supports.

We got a chance to meet Brendan last fall when he helped us kick off our 2014-15 workshop season with a great collaborative workshop at Los Gatos Museum. He inspired Kids & Art families with his talent and vivacity. He exuded the same infectiously kind and generous spirit that is the mark of this recent venture.

We congratulate him and his team and give him credit for his good will enlisting celebrity evangelists for good causes. We also look forward to seeing what else is in store after this exciting debut campaign.

We are also excited to partner with them in their compassionate mission to serve as a beacon to inspire people to participate in making positive change in the world. We thank them on behalf of our Kids & Art families.

Show your support by tagging all three of us in social media @Kidsandartorg @ShaunT @143world143

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