Five Things You Need to Know About Buying Original Art

  1. Buying original art not only supports the artist but importantly spreads the word, promoting the style and medium, expressing personal taste.

  2. Art will have a lasting impression; The value of art appreciates with time, they can also be pieces to commemorate special events.

  3. There is always a story behind each art piece — a story worth sharing when entertaining at home fostering great conversation.

  4. Personal art collections can be meaningful, inspiring, and motivational. They can motivate us to participate in art events, meeting new friends, and being part of a creative circle.

  5. Art can change the mood of the room and the people in them; Studies have shown that having art around you at home or work improves creativity and productivity. It gives our right brain hemisphere a stimulating workout.

Buying Original Art from Kids & Art

When purchasing artwork from a Kids & Art artist (kid or volunteer artist) you help with spreading the word about our cause. All proceeds of our sales goes back toward our monthly art workshop program and special care packages sent to various long stay hospital units in the local Bay Area. This is our way of showing how art can make a difference. How Art attacks Cancer, how Art can really save lives.