Photographer, Avni Bid

Avni Bid is a photographer who volunteered her time at our Google workshop. I asked her to share her experience of being at the workshop:

This has been one of the most amazing experience. Though there were families going through very tough times in their lives, this workshop, a collaborative effort of Purvi, Helen, Laxmi and the volunteers, brought smiles on their faces. The one thing that this workshop taught me was, no matter how difficult our life gets, a little bit of art and color makes us forget about it, makes us happy!

I also am becoming a firm believer that there are still good people on this earth.

I also asked her a few questions to get to know her better:

PS: How did you get into photography?

AB: I have always loved taking pictures, but I started photography when my son was born 10 years ago. I used to take pictures of him & then my daughter to preserve the memories. 2 years ago, I started taking pictures professionally.

PS: How did you hear about Kids & Art?

AB: A friend of mine , whose child had been through Cancer, told me about the workshop.

PS: Why did you decide to do this event for us?

AB: My child had a health issue when he was younger. It was a tough time. I think i know how hard it is for parents or families to pass through such tough times. I knew that this workshop brought some happiness in their lives. Hence decided to do a very small part, by preserving those smiles.

PS: What do you take away from this workshop as a lasting memory?

AB: The smiles, the Happiness brought to all by the medium of ART!