November 12, Kids & Art at Family House

We are very excited to bring our Art, Music and Wellness program to Family House.

Our programs will be held every second Wednesday for the first 6 months and once the families get a chance to try out our program, we will take in their feedback and work with Family House to expand our program.

Here are the days we will be at Family House:

Wednesday November 12, Art

4 of our artists will bring in different art projects. We will create with the kids, their siblings, family and care circle. Please sign-up as soon as you can so that we can better prepare for the day.

Wednesday December 10, Breathing and Foot soaks

Wednesday January 14, Music

Wednesday February 11, Art

Wednesday March 11, Yoga and 10 min massages

Wednesday April 8, Music

These workshops are only open to families residing at Family House.